How to create a secure password
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A secure password is one of the most important aspects of any online account. Whether you're a business owner, company owner, or employer, it's your responsibility to make sure that your passwords are as strong as possible in order to protect your data. If you have a strong password, hackers will need hours or days of guessing before they can get in - and by then it'll be too late!
With some systems, it can take up to six or seven tries before the system locks out an account due to too many failed attempts at guessing the password. That means that in less than an hour, a hacker can try thousands of combinations until they find yours! A good rule of thumb is that every time you create a new account (at work or anywhere else), create a new unique username and password combination. If this seems like too much trouble, there are websites available that will do this for you.
It's important to have a secure password because it is the key to your company. You need to use something that is hard for people to guess, but easy for you to remember and type in correctly when logging onto your computer. It should also differ from passwords used on other accounts, like email or bank accounts. This way, if one of your accounts is compromised and someone guesses your password, they won't be able to access any other ones. A better option would be something more creative and unique like "Kitty4eva!" Be sure not to use this example either as it's easy enough for anyone with your basic information (name, pet name) to figure out!